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- V39 Support Issues related to Display Modes and ILBM's
- ======================================================
- Copyright (c) 1985-1992 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved
- Preliminary, Confidential, and Subject to Change
- For compatibility with and support of enhanced Amiga graphics
- capabilities, both short-term, and long-term possibilities, you must
- modify your software to remove any built-in limitations which would
- prevent you from growing WITH the Amiga.
- 1. Get RID of Hardcoded Limits, Write Software that Adapts
- Many of the Amiga graphics software packages currently on the market
- are hardcoded like the old "DF0: DH0:" file requesters.
- Such hardcoded graphics application software limits include:
- - offering a fixed set of display modes or sizes
- - offering a fixed range of depths or sizes for certain display modes
- - loading or handling a maximum of 32 colors
- - Dealing with color guns as 4-bit values
- The first thing you need to think about when upgrading your application
- for V39, is NOT to upgrade it for V39. You must upgrade your software
- so that it can adapt to arbitrary display modes, depths, and sizes.
- If you offer different display modes, do not arbitrarily restrict
- the modes that you offer. If 8-bitplane hires, or hires HAM, are
- supported by a new chip set, and your software restricts a user to
- 5-bitplane hires and lores HAM, then your software will be obsolete.
- Rewrite your software to use features such as the 2.1 display mode
- requester. Make sure that can adapt to larger palettes. Handle
- R G and B values internally as 8-bits, not 4.
- 2. Proper IFF ILBM Support
- A. Proper ILBM.CAMG Chunk
- ======================
- 1. Saving
- If running under V36 or higher, save ULONG GetVPModeID(viewport)
- as-is.
- ISSUE: If you save a mode like VGA, and an old loader that
- just uses the low word of the CAMG loads it, it will display
- as non-interlace picture (because the VGA ModeID does not have
- the "lace" bit set in its 32-bit modeid number). Because of this,
- you may wish to give your user the option of saving pictures with
- CAMG modes other than their native display id.
- 2. Loading
- Support using full 32-bit modeid's from CAMG (with screening
- for bad ID's and fallback code if ModeNotAvailable(modeid).
- Screening required because there are some CAMG's out there with
- garbage in the upper word. See sample "getcamg" code at end.
- B. Proper ILBM.BMHD X and Y aspect
- ===============================
- 1. Saving
- See "getaspect" code below. This code gets the correct
- aspect ratio for any viewport modeid from the display
- database. If running under < V36, it falls back to
- updated 2.0-compatible aspect values for old modes.
- 2. Loading
- Perhaps you can start to expect reasonable information
- in the ILBM.BMHD x and y aspect fields.
- C. Proper 8-bit-per-gun ILBM.CMAP
- ==============================
- 1. Saving
- Either always save as eight bits per gun, or offer an
- 8-bit palette option. When saving 8-per-gun from
- 4-bit-per-gun source, do NOT left justify the 4 bits
- in R, G, and B bytes, but rather SCALE each 4-bit value to
- 8 bits by duplicating the 4-bit value in the upper and lower
- nibble of its R, G, or B CMAP byte.
- 2. Loading
- Detect and use full color resolution 8-bit-per-gun CMAPs
- when on a V39 or higher machine. One (only?) method
- of detection may be to check if EVERY CMAP byte has 0 as
- its low nibble. It may be better to use an 8-bit palette
- use option to flag whether all 8 bits of of each gun should
- be considered significant.
- ISSUES: Looking for all-zero low nibbles is not really a good
- way to determine 4-bit shifted CMAPs. We might define a bit of
- the BMHD Reserved1 (pad1) field to signify that 8 significant
- bits-per-gun have been saved. In addition, the OS engineers
- are working on a DisplayInfo chunk (DINF) which would provide
- this and other enhanced display mode information.
- D. Stop Limiting Color Register Load Counts to 32
- ==============================================
- Older IFF code, and even the earlier NewIFF code would
- read any number of colors from an ILBM CMAP, but would
- only set a maximum 32 colors in the display.
- Instead, the maximum number of colors set in the display
- should be limited by the display Viewport's ColorMap->Count
- rather than a hardcoded limit.
- E. Stop Limiting Depth to 5/6
- ==========================
- Older IFF code had fixed limits for the maximum allowable
- depth for displays and ILBMs. Remove your limits.
- Display as much as the system can handle. Don't reject
- depths and depth/mode combinations arbitrarily.
- Also, you may want to stop assuming that a 6-plane ILBM
- with no CAMG is HAM or HALFBRITE (although that might still
- be a good assumption since only a pretty lame program would
- write a HAM or HALFBRITE ILBM with no CAMG chunk).
- F. Watch out for interleaved bitmaps
- =================================
- If your application supports capturing any screen, you
- must watch out for the new interleaved bitmaps.
- An interleaved BitMap's BytesPerRow field is still the
- modulo for getting from any one pixel to the pixel directly
- below it, BUT it is no longer related to the rounded up
- width of the screen or viewport. Instead, it is a MUCH
- larger value which is actually the rounded up BitMap scan
- line width TIMES the depth. Do not assume that BytesPerRow
- is related to the width of the display.
- NOTE: The 2.0 Native Developer Update release of the NewIFF
- code had 2 major bugs. The screen.c module had a 1.3
- incompatibility, and the ilbmr.c module could not properly
- save an interleaved bitmap (such as the V39 Workbench screen).
- See the newer version 37.9 of the NewIFF code. This has
- been placed in our listinsg area on BIX, and sent to ADSP, and
- sent to Fred Fish. Note that this release of the NewIFF code
- (37.9) does not yet contain any direct V39 or locale support.
- However, it was written with these in mind.
- Under V39, an interleaved bitmap can be detected by:
- if(GetBitMapAttr(bitmap_ptr,BMA_FLAGS) & BMF_INTERLEAVED)
- printf("is interleaved\n");
- G. Proper Printing of new Display Modes
- ====================================
- When dumping a rastport to printer under V36 and higher,
- the following IORequest field must contain a 32-bit modeid
- such as that returned by GetVPModeID(viewport). You
- may want to allow the user the ability to print a display
- with a different modeid than it is being displayed in.
- Passing the full modeid allows the printer.device to
- properly control the aspect of the output.
- ULONG io_Modes; /* graphics viewport modes */
- -------------------------- getcamg -------------------------------
- From: /* ilbmr.c --- ILBM loading routines for use with iffparse */
- /*
- * Returns CAMG or computed mode for storage in ilbm->camg
- *
- * ilbm->Bmhd structure must be initialized prior to this call.
- */
- ULONG getcamg(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm)
- {
- struct IFFHandle *iff;
- struct StoredProperty *sp;
- UWORD wide,high,deep;
- ULONG modeid = 0L;
- if(!(iff=ilbm->ParseInfo.iff)) return(0L);
- wide = ilbm->Bmhd.pageWidth;
- high = ilbm->Bmhd.pageHeight;
- deep = ilbm->Bmhd.nPlanes;
- D(bug("Getting CAMG for w=%ld h=%ld d=%ld ILBM\n",wide,high,deep));
- /*
- * Grab CAMG's idea of the viewmodes.
- */
- if (sp = FindProp (iff, ID_ILBM, ID_CAMG))
- {
- modeid = (* (ULONG *) sp->sp_Data);
- /* knock bad bits out of old-style 16-bit viewmode CAMGs
- */
- if((!(modeid & MONITOR_ID_MASK))||
- ((modeid & EXTENDED_MODE)&&(!(modeid & 0xFFFF0000))))
- modeid &=
- /* check for bogus CAMG like DPaintII brushes
- * with junk in upper word and extended bit
- * not set in lower word.
- */
- if((modeid & 0xFFFF0000)&&(!(modeid & 0x00001000))) sp=NULL;
- }
- if(!sp) {
- /*
- * No CAMG (or bad CAMG) present; use computed modes.
- */
- if (wide >= 640) modeid = HIRES;
- if (high >= 400) modeid |= LACE;
- /* This 6 planes == HAM or HALFBRITE is not
- * necessarily true anymore, but hopefully
- * all NEW programs are writing a proper CAMG chunk!!
- */
- if (deep == 6)
- {
- modeid |= ilbm->EHB ? EXTRA_HALFBRITE : HAM;
- }
- D(bug("No CAMG found - using mode $%08lx\n",modeid));
- }
- D(bug("getcamg: modeid = $%08lx\n",modeid));
- return(modeid);
- }
- -------------------------- getaspect -------------------------------
- bmhd->xAspect = 0; /* So we can tell when we've got it */
- if(GfxBase->lib_Version >=36)
- {
- if(GetDisplayInfoData(NULL, (UBYTE *)&DI,
- sizeof(struct DisplayInfo), DTAG_DISP, modeid))
- {
- bmhd->xAspect = DI.Resolution.x;
- bmhd->yAspect = DI.Resolution.y;
- }
- }
- /* If running under 1.3 or GetDisplayInfoData failed, use old method
- * of guessing aspect ratio
- */
- if(! bmhd->xAspect)
- {
- bmhd->xAspect = 44;
- bmhd->yAspect =
- ((struct GfxBase *)GfxBase)->DisplayFlags & PAL ? 44 : 52;
- if(modeid & HIRES) bmhd->xAspect = bmhd->xAspect >> 1;
- if(modeid & LACE) bmhd->yAspect = bmhd->yAspect >> 1;
- }